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Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V
Rockstar Games
Racting:  5


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  • Updated

    April 14, 2015

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    72 GB

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Grand Theft Auto V, also known as GTA5, is an open-world themed action adventure game. Grand Theft Auto V is the 15th installment in the GTA series, and in a way, it is also the successor to Grand Theft Auto IV. Grand Theft Auto V is set in San Andreas and contains three cities and rural areas. The world of Grand Theft Auto V has only one city, "Los Santos", technically speaking. This setting allows the production team to focus more on building higher quality and more spectacular city scenes.

Do you know the difference between game and reality? GTA5's system brings us such a feeling, looking at the game screenshots and the comparison of reality, you will be dumbfounded to distinguish which is real and which is made. Of course not only such graphic anthropomorphism, the game's graphics using Nvidia's 3D graphics technology, so all the game's moving scenes, static scenes, characters, vehicles, other physical units all the articulation is very realistic, coupled with RStar's high degree of simulation of reality, resulting in the game's realism can be said to be the highest in the open world game.

The game is exquisitely designed in detail, simple to operate and easy to learn, with a high degree of freedom and playability, rich in elements of realism, Grand Theft Auto V can use three protagonists, while in GTA5 in the online mode you can create your own two characters, each with their own personality, motivation and strengths.


How To Play

The game map is quite vast, and the terrain elements are also very rich, the city, suburbs, hills, the sea, nature reserves and so on, players can drive their own cars or private planes in this world to play, experience the reflection on the glass windows of the city skyscrapers, the breeze will also have water waves of the sea, the size of the rolling hills; everything here is interactive, as long as you look closely you will Discover: 1. When we drive a vehicle, the car dashboard has near lights, headlights, handbrake and speed, just like really driving your own car in reality; 2. As the lawless capital of sin, if we rob a store for a long time in the game, the clerk may call the police ambush next time, very interesting; 3. Before Xiao Fu met Lao Cui, they can attack each other 4. Pull the injured cop behind cover; 5. If you or your friends have something important to do when they won't party with you.

The two main modes of the game, story mode and offline mode are still very different. There are many industries that are not covered in the story mode, for example, there is fund management in the story mode, but this operation is not available in the online mode. In the story mode, it is not possible to play with other players, belonging to what we often call the one-click version. Compared to the online mode, it's still a lot less fun. In the story mode, we have a fixed plot mission, compared to the online mode is slightly limited. But when doing the task you can also choose to escape and go to play other places. As the game continues to update and progress, the elements of the offline mode are gradually enriched.

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