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Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade

Rise of Kingdoms: Lost Crusade
Lilith Games
Racting:  4.2


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  • Operating System:


  • Version

  • Updated

    April 12, 2021

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  • Operating System:


  • Version

  • Updated

    Jan 11, 2023

  • File Size

    1.4 GB



This is a tailor-made war of kings for you, you will use your power to build a kingdom with personal characteristics. In this game, you have unlimited freedom to set the style of city you want, create and train your best soldiers, and lead your army in a world where wars are raging, to fight for your kingdom!

This is a strategy game with various war scenes as the main background. In the game, you will play the role of a leader, first plan the history and civilization of your kingdom, and choose one of the many historical civilizations you love to develop, so that you can also learn more about history in the game.

You will have the help of legendary generals from all over the world, each from real people in history, with realistic character appearance types and voice acting, so you will feel as if you really met him in battle. If you have a special fondness for a legendary hero, recruit him to your camp and let him train your army to help you go into battle and kill the enemy and open up the frontier!

You don't have to worry about how to observe the enemy situation of each country, the global zooming map allows you to view the situation of each country with a single click, and the wireless zooming feature allows countries thousands of miles away to appear before your eyes. Even every mountain and river can be shown on the map.

The game's built-in alliance system allows players to communicate with each other without worrying about the language barrier, and the real-time translation function helps you communicate and share with players all over the world. Joining the alliance also enables the function of helping each other and unlocking team achievements together.

Fight with players from all over the world, expand your territory, lead your kingdom to the top, and make your kingdom go down in glorious history!


How To Play

This is a strategy-based war game where players need to create their own civilized kingdom, build various land resources, train their own army, defeat all enemies, and eventually lead the kingdom to prosperity!

First, players need to build the kingdom first. After choosing the civilization of their country, players explore resources and build various land, buildings and other facilities.

After the various resources in the city have formed a complete production chain, recruit various legendary heroes, such as Cao Cao and Julius Caesar. They all have their own skills and send them to the appropriate army camp as commanders. An army can be divided into several detachments and assigned to different commanders to accomplish different military tasks. To upgrade heroes let them defeat barbarians, upgrade their level, and then send them to battle to upgrade their skills.

In the course of the game players can get personal points by participating in various activities, and within the same kingdom, all players' points afterwards make up the kingdom's points. The game will rank individuals and kingdoms, and players in different ranking segments will receive different rewards.

One thing to note in destroying the plunderers' fortress is that when players defeat the plunderers, they will randomly drop dusty sheepskin pockets, which will randomly get miracle remnants when opened, and when 7 types of miracle remnants are collected, they will get kingdom supply boxes and personal points.

The game's alliance allows players to communicate with each other, fight together, and also first resources to trade with each other, but each transaction exists for a limited time, and when the time is over and the transaction has not been completed, then players can find Dealer, who can help you solve the problem of insufficient stock on the market when props are exchanged!

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