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The Room

The Room
Fireproof Games
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Do you like to play escape room? Will you be able to find the answer soon? If your answer is yes, then the next game will be your favorite, interested in the next look it! Let the player into, in addition to the player also need to solve a variety of puzzles, smooth escape from the room. In this process must be carried out slowly, because you rush to complete this elaborate game is not any reward.

Game features.

① The game has exquisite graphics, interesting puzzles, and a tense and exciting game soundtrack, players will quickly get involved in The Room.

② Most of the models in the game are able to be pulled and closed so as to render a sense of realism.

③ Music, props, 3D architecture and other aspects are combined together to create a mysterious atmosphere, making players feel a sense of unprecedented game experience.

I believe The Room will be one of the most engaging games in your mind, using original and intuitive game controls that allow players to manipulate a series of nested boxes and unlock the secrets within. The Room is beautiful and mysterious, with every detail you'll love, so try it now!


How To Play

The Room is still relatively brain-burning, requiring players to have some independent thinking skills, first of all, the note is a relatively key clue, in The Room there are a total of nine notes, of course, the direction of the content of each note is different, because there are seven of these notes are written in the number. Next you need to find a magnifying glass, which can help you see some of the secrets you can not see with the naked eye.

Just start to enter the game you need to find an eyepiece, and then view a wooden box, pull the lens, you will find this place up and down, left and right will appear a few numbers, you need to remember these numbers, and then click a button in the middle, this device will be started and open, this time you need to turn this column, and then you can get a telescope, and then open it, put it on just the device, this time it will trigger the organ, next you can open the cabinet next to it, which placed a book, open it, you will get a wind-up tool, next you can place the wind-up on a device ......

The whole game process is this, you need to find some items to open the next organ, to string you from one clue to another. You need to constantly think independently and with judgment. The game uses multi-touch gestures for certain devices from time to time. Be sure not to forget to try all the tools and actions, in the process you need to think slowly and unlock more puzzles, if you rush this well-made game, you will lose a lot of fun, and you will not get some rewards.

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